In which our protagonists – a group of young, ambitious, cousins from the Clan of the Rising Sun in Jakálla (the city half as old as time) – learn of a mysterious rutter in the Clan archive.
The Clanhouse
The Clan of the Rising Sun is a prosperous high-status clan whose members are a mix of minor nobles and merchants.
Our protagonists are clan cousins who have grown-up together in the clan house in Jakálla. They have known one another since childhood. They are at an age where they either need to make a reputation for themselves or settle down to a quiet life in the clan.
A clan elder summons the young cousins. She has found a old rutter in the clan archives. The document lists the 25 locations named as the Stations of Brave Peripation in the Kurt Hills, located in the northern part of the Tsolyanu Empire. The notes suggest a commercial angle. The set also includes a 26th glyph, but its purpose is unclear. Go and find out how the clan might benefit.
Private Investigations
The cousins scatter to learn more about their mission.
Wuruli examines the rutter more closely and determines that it is 330-350 years old. Twenty-five of the glyphs correspond to a location; one does not. The glyphs are, perhaps, derived or inspired by high cartography.
Mnela talks to one of her clan aunts, who was originally from Yak Kor, and who came south to Tsolyánu before Baron Ald’s war. She also collects a traveller’s first aid kit from the Temple of Keténgku, but without mentioning up forthcoming trip.
Chesnan also visits the Temple of Keténgku and learns of several shrines in the Kurt Hills.
Juyami heads to the Temple of Ksárul for some private research. The southern part of Kurt Hills is rich agricultural land, which produces multiple harvests each year. It is the breadbasket of the Tsolyáni Empire. The region also includes the Swamps of Ksárul – a strange area to the north. The town and fief of Hauma is a political power base, and is also one of the Stations.
Tanic remembers from the Civil War that the Legion of the Peaks of Kraa came from north of the Kurt Hills. There were also rumours of Undead Legions from the City of Sárku, which is of course illegal under the Covenant between the Twenty Temples, but perhaps not surprising given the usurper Emperor Dhichune was a worshipper of Sárku, Master of the Undead. The Kraa Hills, which are to the north east of the Kurt Hills are famous for crossbows.
Wuruli also learns there are societies of Thúmis, Lord of Wisdom and Avanthe, Mistress of Heaven in Hauma. The Secret Language of the Temple of Thúmis which it shares with the Temple of Keténgku is related to the argot of the Kurt Hills.
Mu’on knows that Hauma has its own port on the river Mssuma at Vreshtu.
Nebussa learns that Hauma is the economic center of the Kurt Hills. The Governor lives in Hauma. The area is also plagued by banditry, which originated during the Civil War, but has not been successfully suppressed. Fine cloth is another significant product of the region.
Tanic knows the 40th Medium Infrantry was raised from the Kurt Hills. He is also aware of the Banditry problem.
Mnela also learns from the Temple that there is a major Hospital of Keténgku in Hauma.
The Plan
Mnela argues that given the outbreaks of banditry, maybe they should travel by river. The clan elder considers the plan and agrees. As the experienced sailor, Mu’on is given charge of a Junk, which is crewed by other clan members.
And so the plan is set .. by river to Hauma.